Domesticity. Etcetera, etcetera…

And the domesticity continues…

Here are the recipes I promised in my last post:

Hummus Chicken:


Tastes better than it looks, promise.

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
salt and pepper
1 zucchini, chopped
1 yellow squash, chopped
Basil, fresh or dried, to taste.
1 cup hummus, homemade or storebought
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Roma tomato

Preheat oven to 450F

I started by marinating my chicken breasts in olive oil and chopped fresh basil (from my balcony “garden”!) during the day. Then I sliced the zucchini and yellow squash and put it in a glass baking dish. Toss the veggies in the olive oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Then slice the Roma tomatoes. I put the tomatoes in between the chicken and the other veggies. I also added more basil in between the tomatoes and chicken. Once you have the chicken on top of the veggies, spread a thick layer of the hummus on top of the chicken breasts.

Bake 25-30 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked and veggies are tender.

Enjoy the deliciousness! 🙂

(Recipe adapted from

2nd recipe: Homemade granola!


Granola with strawberries!

2 cups oats (old fashioned, not the quick cooking kind),
1 1/2 cups nuts/seeds of your choice, (I used almonds)
1/3 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt,
1 teaspoon cinnamon,
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg,
1/2 teaspoon ginger,
1/3 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F

Mix all ingredients together. Mixture will be sticky. Then spread out on a lined cookie sheet. Bake 25-30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes or so. The mixture will still be sticky when done cooking, but as you leave it out to cool it becomes crunchy, so don’t worry.

Stored in an air-tight container, this will stay good for 2 weeks! Enjoy!

(Recipe adapted from recipe on

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day, I’m headed out for a run. Taking advantage of being in good spirits today. I celebrate the days I wake up without anxiety!

It’s Getting Real Domestic Up in Here Guys…

While trying to find activities to do to keep my anxiety at bay, I have discovered that having a little garden is helping. You know what they say about idle hands after-all. “Idle hands make for more anxiety?” Not sure that’s quite right, but oh well…

Anyways, my “garden” consists of 2 small pots on my 3rd floor balcony. It started out as just one pot, but my plants quickly outgrew just the one. I started with a Tomato plant, basil and lavender.


“Garden” take 1

Well, after a few days of growing, the tomato plant was overtaking the other two (my bad). So it got it’s own pot and the big pot has thyme in it now. So my little garden now looks like this:


“Garden” Take 2

And I have been cooking and experimenting with my fresh herbs all week.

I make some delicious chicken with the basil and some hummus the other day (recipe to come later).

I also have made some fresh tea with the lavender, thyme, some ginger, and honey. Folks, it’s delicious!

In other domestic-driven news, I have been compulsively cleaning, which seems to calm my mind. I also made some homemade granola (recipe to follow).

The feminist in me is rebelling against the fact that cooking and cleaning are the only things really helping my anxiety right now (besides the medicine obviously). And I am driving my roommates nuts with the cleaning. But whatever helps, amirite?