Moving sucks.

I am moving across the country in 15 days. Just 15 short days before we finish packing our lives up and drive for 3 days until we hit Phoenix. I have never been more excited or scared in my life.


I get to live here! (Google images)

But guys, we may be homeless when we get there. And I wish I was kidding. I cannot seem to find a rental that will take our Shepherd, Torres.

So the stress is very real. Keep your fingers crossed for us.



“25 Before 25” Update

Since coming back to my blog and re-reading my older posts, I realized that I have not thought about or updated my “25 before 25” List in a long time. So here is where I stand on completing these 25 goals before I turn 25.


“25 Before 25″
I am not one for New Years resolutions, so this year (2013) I decided to give myself 2 years to complete a “25 before 25″ list.

1. Run a half-marathon (I think I am re-thinking my ability to become a long-distance runner.  A good update for this would probably be “Run a 10k”)

2. Go to Costa Rica to work with Sea Turtles  Done!!

3. Go to Africa to work with the big cats (still hoping to do this! But I don’t know if I will have the funds before 2015)

4. Finish my undergraduate degree (Graduating in 2016)

5. Graduate with a 4.0 (or as close as possible) (Going to do this!)

6. Finish reading the 8 “for fun” Zoology books I bought recently (8/8)  Done!

7. Grow my  hair out long enough to donate to Locks for Love (Donating 9 inches to Pantene Beautiful Lengths July 2013)   Done!!

8. Try rock-climbing Done in Costa Rica!

9. Go to a new Zoo

10. Run a 5K in under 30 mins (Just getting back into running again after some surgery. I’ll get there!)

 11. Go Horseback Riding (DONE! In Costa Rica and VA last year)

12. Complete the Tough Mudder (and not injure myself) (July 2013) DONE!!

13. Finish the “100 push-ups” Challenge (Haha I think I got to about 10 and stopped)

14. Apply and get into Vet School (I have since changed my career goals, so I will no longer be applying to Vet school)

15. Get an internship at a Zoo (This is no longer an ambition of mine)

16. Go to an MSU football game (I hate football)

17. Get a professional massage

18. Donate blood

19. Tour a winery/ Wine tasting (March 2013 VA trip) DONE!!

20. Join a new club or group just because it sounds interesting

21. Go a whole semester without missing a class (Seriously, I know I can do this. Just have to work on staying healthy!)

22. Use my kayak at least 5 times DONE!!

23. Take my mom out for a girl’s day. DONE!!

24. Make a gift for a friend, just because DONE!!

25. Spend a day exploring a new city in my state (Brethren, MI and Manistee, MI: July 2013)  DONE!!


So out of my original 25 goals, I have completed 11, 4 no longer apply, and I have ten left to do. Not half bad I think. I still like the idea of completing all my “25 before 25” goals, but if I don’t that’s ok too. I have realized in looking back at this list that your priorities can change quite a bit in 2 years.  I have some things that I would still like to do from this list and definitely some things I would like to add. We’ll see what happens though 🙂

Why Hello Again.

It has been months since I last looked at, posted on, or even thought about this little blog here. Many things have happened. I worked in Costa Rica for 5 weeks over the summer, moved 3 times, started 2 new jobs, quit both new jobs and now I am attempting to go back to school. And through all that I was thinking I was doing so much better. Off all my anti-depressants and anxiety meds! But then that switch flipped again and I’m back to struggling. It almost seems harder this time. Life is a daunting thing sometimes my friends. Making choices in a day that will affect the rest of your life. And without much of a support system, it can be downright terrifying. School is hard, finding a job that doesn’t cause me to have panic attacks in the bathroom is hard, and personal relationships are hard. I’m just waiting for something to get easier. But in the meantime I’m forging ahead, trying to make the best of it. Trying to make myself enjoy this process, this life. Sometimes all I want to do is lie down and sob. And sometimes I do. But other times is when that inner strength comes a knocking and says, “you can do this. You are strong”. And so I pick myself up for another day and hope for the best. I hope you are all doing well. Keep your chin up folks, its gotta get better.

Take me back here please. Paradise.